SneakerBot2.0 Use Instructions

Please read this page entirely before testing or using the bot on release day. Test Instructions Release Use Instructions Access Log and Screenshots Proxy Instructions *****SneakerBot2.0 – Start the program 1-2 minutes prior to release time and continue to start URLs even after release time! If a URL is stuck on starting, stop it, and…

SneakerBot2.0 Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions: PC Installation Instructions Mac Installation Instructions Update Instructions: PC Update Instructions Mac Update Instructions PC Installation Instructions 1. Download the SneakerBot2.0 at the link provided in your purchase receipt email. Save the file to your desktop. 2. Locate the SneakerBot2.0-Installer file and double click to open the installer. 3. Follow the prompts to properly… Affiliate Agreement

This Affiliate Service Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between (Bot Software Solutions LLC), and you, as an Affiliate utilizing the affiliate service (“You”, “Your”, “Affiliate”). You must agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement in order to participate. Please read this Agreement carefully before registering and…

NikeShoeBot iOS App

READ THIS ENTIRE PAGE BEFORE PURCHASING *At this time we are only accepting a certain number of new users for the iOS App. If this page is still up you are able to purchase the app. [purchase_link id=”18973″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] is unleashing our most dominant bot as an App for iOS users. The NikeShoeBot…

NikeShoeBot iOS App Install

Click the DOWNLOAD link below to install the NikeShoeBot iOS v1.0.8 on your device When installing to iOS 9, you need to follow the instructions in the link below to get your app working again.

NikeShoeBot iOS App Collection Instructions

  COLLECTION PAGE RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO IDENTIFY IF IT’S A COLLECTION PAGE LINK OR NOT! To know whether or not a release is released via a collection link all you need to do is click the link that @NikeStore tweets. If the link takes you directly to a page with the countdown timer, it is…