Here’s How to Clean Sneaker Soles Easily and Efficiently!

If you’re a sneakerhead, you already know how important it is to store and clean your kicks right. However, the cleaning process extends beyond the obvious upper of your kicks. It’s actually the soles of these kicks that deserve equal (if not more) attention. You see, from bacteria to a piece of gum, you can step on anything when you step out into the world. So today, we’re gonna show you how to clean sneaker soles in different ways. The best thing about that? All the items you need to do it are within your reach in the comfort of your own home! Now, before we jump in, make sure you check out our other sneaker-cleaning guides below.

Why Should You Know How to Clean Sneaker Soles?

If you already know why you need to clean your soles, then go ahead and skip this bit. However, some lil reminders never hurt anybody. So, when it comes to the soles of sneakers or any other footwear, it’s the part that usually gets dirtiest. We’re not talking about just your average dirt and mud, nope. You see, when you step out on the street, all kinds of bacteria and dirt are on the ground. And all that can spread into your own household because well… shoes. So, here’s how you can make sure you give your kicks the cleaning they deserve!

How to Clean Sneaker Soles & Keep ‘Em Spotless

What You’ll Need

Now that you know why you should clean the soles, we’re gonna jump right into it. The first step here is to prepare all the items you need to get scrubbin’! Luckily, you don’t even have to go out of your way to get the ingredients. You see, you’ll need household items that everyone has around in some cupboard. So, the items you want are water, dish soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, microfiber cloth, vinegar, and baking soda. You don’t need all of them at the same time, but it’s good to have them on hand if you wanna try different techniques.

#1 Baking Soda Works Magic in More Than Cakes

Our first method involves the baking soda we already mentioned! You see, besides being easily available, it can get the job done when it comes to cleaning. For sneaker soles, all you gotta do is mix one tablespoon of baking soda with a tablespoon of warm water. The mixture will form a paste you can dip a toothbrush into and get scrubbing in a circular motion! Leave the paste to dry for about half an hour, and then clap off the excess. Finally, wash the soles with clean water, and repeat as much as you need to fully clean the kicks.

PS: For more stubborn stains, you can add half a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to the mix.

#2 Toothpaste Ain’t Just for Your Teeth

If you’re wondering what toothpaste is doing here, we gotchu. First off, make sure you have non-gel, white toothpaste to avoid staining white soles. Next, apply a small amount of toothpaste on the soles, and start scrubbing with a toothbrush. You can add more if need be, and then leave the paste for about 10 minutes. When you finish, wipe the residue with a damp microfiber until the sneakers are squeaky clean!

#3 Vinegar Stings… But Hella Cleans!

Just like baking soda, vinegar is a kitchen item that doubles down as a solid cleaner. You can either mix it with baking soda or use it as a standalone. And if you choose the second option, there are two ways you can go about how to clean sneaker soles. The first is you can soak the soles in the vinegar. Or, you can simply soak a cloth in the vinegar and wipe the kicks. Oh, and a fun fact, vinegar is fantastic for stain removal, especially grimy ones.

#4 Grab the Dish Soap and Soak

Last but not least, you can make cleaning the soles simpler. Fill a tray or something big enough to fit kicks with warm water and add a bit of dish soap. Mix them up enough until you’re satisfied. Then, you can put the kicks in the mix and let the soles soak for about 30 minutes. You can leave them for longer if you think that the kicks are that dirty. If there’s dirt and so on, you can use a toothbrush to remove the dirt, and then wipe everything with a clean cloth.

Stepped On Gum? No Worries!

Who hasn’t been in that pickle at some point? It’s sticky, disgusting, and hard to remove. Don’t worry though, we have just the solution for you. It’s quite simple, but make sure you do it with care. You can put your shoe in the freezer for about 30 minutes until the gum freezes and hardens. Then you can get a butter knife or anything that won’t ruin the soles and chip away at the gum. You see, when the gum freezes, it becomes easier to remove in chunks.

Now, before we leave, there’s always a chance that learning how to clean sneaker soles won’t save them. And that’s basically your queue to get new kicks! Don’t worry though, we can help you out just as well. Click here to find out how you can buy the coolest kicks for retail. Godspeed!

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